Campus Species Map

Researcher’s Biography

A photo of Nishat Mim, student in the Plan Diversity course working with the Rowan University Arboretum Project.Nishat Mim 

Biology and Psychology (2022)

My name is Nishat Mim and I’m a senior at Rowan University in the College of Science and Mathamatics. I am pursuing a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biology and Psychology.  I’m an honorable sister of Alpha Sigma Tau of the Epsilon Psi Chapter. I have certification in Blood Screening and hopefully, I can gather more certifications throughout my educational career. I plan to graduate from Rowan in May 2022 and then pursue a degree in nursing.

Suggested Citation:

Mim, Nishat. (2021, Dec). Callery Pear. Rowan University Arboretum.

Questions to Explore

  • Describe why the Callery pear tree is an invasive species. 
  • What animal species feed on the fruit of the Callery pear tree?
  • Describe the Callery pear tree’s survival mechanism. How does this harm native species?
  • How is the wood from the Callery pear tree used in industry?
  • Look at the campus species map below. What assumptions can be made based on the locations of the Callery pear Trees? How would you test these assumptions to form a hypothesis?
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