Callery Pear
Researched by Nishat Mim
Species:Â Pyrus calleryana
Common name:Â Callery Pear, Bradford Pear
Family:Â Rosaceae (Rose Family)
Clade:Â Angiosperms (flowering seed plants)
Coordinates: 39.70610518, -75.12007844

A tag using this number is placed near the tree.
The popular Callery or Bradford pear, Pyrus calleryana, is an invasive species introduced to the U.S. in the 20th Century to broaden genetic diversity and help fight off plant diseases like fire blight. However, due to its invasive qualities, the tree is banned in many states, including Pennsylvania, because it threatens native habitats.
This tree belongs to the Rosaceae (Rose) family, which has existed for at least 35 million years. This large family includes many fruit-bearing species, such as apples, cherries, and peaches.
During early spring, Callery pears display showy, ornamental white flowers with five petals and an unpleasant smell. After flowers are pollinated, the tree bears fruits like the common pear tree but much smaller. Callery pear fruits are typically less than 2 cm in diameter, and many trees produce hundreds with green to brown skin. The pear is fleshy and tart, giving off the appearance of small brown marbles. Read More
Campus Species Map
Student Researcher
Nishat MimÂ
Nishat Mim earned degrees in Biological Sciences and Psychology in 2022.
Suggested Citation:
Mim, Nishat. (2021, Dec). Callery Pear. Rowan University Arboretum. Glassboro, NJ
Questions to Explore
- Why is the Callery pear tree an invasive species?
- What animal species feed on the fruit of the Callery pear tree?
- How does the Callery pear tree’s survival mechanism harm native species?
Culley, T.M., Hardiman, N.A. & Hawks, J. The role of horticulture in plant invasions: how grafting in cultivars of Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana) can facilitate spread into natural areas. Biol Invasions 13, 739–746 (2011). | Link
Theresa M. Culley, Nicole A. Hardiman, The Beginning of a New Invasive Plant: A History of the Ornamental Callery Pear in the United States, BioScience, Volume 57, Issue 11, December 2007, Pages 956–964. | Link
Tziporah H. Serota and Theresa M. Culley “Seed Germination and Seedling Survival of Invasive Callery Pear (Pyrus calleryana Decne.) 11 Years After Fruit Collection,” Castanea 84(1), 47-52, (28 May 2019). | Link
Warrix, A., & Marshall, J. (2018). Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana) Response to Fire in a Managed Prairie Ecosystem. Invasive Plant Science and Management, 11(1), 27-32. | Link
Rowan University Resources
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The Beginning of a New Invasive Plant: a History of the Ornamental Callery Pear in the United States | Link
The Rise and Fall of the Ornamental Callery Pear Tree | Link