Campus Species Map

Researcher’s Biography

Ally Reagle

Biological Sciences (2023)

I have always loved nature and animals, so a Biology Degree with an Environmental Science Minor only seemed fitting when it came time for college. Eventually, I plan to return to graduate school to pursue higher education in wildlife conservation, but in the meantime, I will continue working in wildlife rehabilitation. In my free time, I often go hiking or spend time in the great outdoors. I am a frequent National Park visitor because there is something so breathtaking about our Earth when it hasn’t been tampered with by humans. Once I settle down, I plan to rescue senior dogs from animal shelters to live the rest of their lives in peace.

Suggested Citation:

Reagle, Ally. (2022, Dec). Star Magnolia. Rowan University Arboretum.

Questions to Explore

  • Can a Star magnolia tree be treated for magnolia scales? If so, what is the process like? 
  • What techniques are used to create different cultivars?
  • How do beetles benefit from the pollination process? What do they use pollen for? 
  • Are magnolia stellatas’ considered invasive in New Jersey since they are not native? 
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