Campus Species Map

Researcher’s Biography

Sofia DiCastelnuovo

Biological Science (2023)

I am a Biological Sciences major, with a minor in sustainability science, learning more about the human connection to the world around us and the effects we have on the environment. My passion for this field began when I took my first seasonal job in Page, Arizona in 2021. This was the first time I ventured out west and traveled alone. Being able to visit many different national parks and areas during my time there opened my eyes to how truly different the world is from the bubble I lived in at home in Southern New Jersey. Learning about new cultures and environments inspired me to want to know more. This led me to the opportunity of a volunteer trip on The Big Island, Hawaii in March, 2022, where I worked with native people in different projects over a 9-day span and made a positive impact on the local organizations and communities in the area. That time is something I will always cherish and carry with me, as it gave me a valuable experience that I will never forget. The following summer, I went on to take another seasonal position in Yosemite National Park, so that I could put myself in another new environment to explore and learn more about the park and myself. All of these opportunities led me to where I am today, and I am excited to continue finding opportunities to explore and help the world around me.

Suggested Citation:

DiCastenuovo, Sofia. (2022, Dec). Japanese Zelkova. Rowan University Arboretum.

Questions to Explore

    • Why are Japanese Zelkovas highly resistant to dutch elm disease?
    • What happened to the Japanese Zelkova trees that were affected by stick insects in Japan?
    • Why is the Japanese Zelkova tolerant of urban conditions?
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