Campus Species Map

Researcher’s Biography

Reilly Dillon

Biological Sciences (2022)

Hello there. My name is Reily Dillon. I was a Biological Science major with a minor in Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management at Rowan University. I started in the fall of 2018 and graduated in the fall of 2022. I wanted to do something science related, so I went the biology route. My hobbies include swimming and being around those I care about. It feels nice to just take a break sometimes and chat with friends or play some games with them. As far as future plans go, I have always found myself doing hands-on work, whether that be in my youth with LEGOs or now with research. If I had to pick one thing to focus on it would be different species within the ocean. I have always been fascinated by how big the ocean is and how little we know about it. I would like to one day find out what’s going on in there and maybe discover some species that many don’t know about. Thank you for taking the time to learn about me and the Cercis canadensis, and I hope you have a good day.

Suggested Citation:

Dillon, Reilly. (2022, Dec). Eastern Redbud. Rowan University Arboretum.

Questions to Explore

  • How effective is the tannin molecule within the bark, and how does it compare to other forms of tannins?
  • Is there a big difference between the reproductive ways of the Eastern redbud? Are there any complications when it comes to pollination on the same flower compared to pollination on a different tree?
  • Is it possible for the Eastern redbud to have too many rhizobium bacteria on its roots? If so, then how much would it take before it becomes harmful?
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