Campus Species Map

Researcher’s Biography

A photo of Ayesha Akhter, student in the Plan Diversity course working with the Rowan University Arboretum Project.

Ayesha Akhter

Ayesha Akhter earned her Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences in 2022. 

Suggested Citation:

Akhter, Ayesha. (2021, Dec). White Oak. Rowan University Arboretum.

Questions to Explore

    • What site factors influence the growth of the white oak tree?
    • What role did white oak trees play in U.S. History?
    • Where is the oldest white oak tree, and what helped it survive?
    • Why do white oak trees resist pollution and pests?
    • How does the white oak tree positively influence a local ecology?
    • After exploring the White Oak trees on campus, what can be determined based on the tree’s size and likely age?
    • How did native people use the White Oak tree for ailments?
    • How did native people likely use White Oak trees for navigation (explore keywords: bent tree trail markers)?
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