Campus Species Map

Researcher’s Biography

A photo of Kiara Ward, student in the Plan Diversity course working with the Rowan University Arboretum Project.Kiara Ward 

Biological Sciences (2022)

My name is Kiara Ward, I will be graduating with my Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences in the spring of 2022. I also have minors in Chemistry and Psychology. I plan to pursue a career in medicine and my hope is to become a pediatric surgeon in the years to come. I have always wanted to be a doctor from a very young age, and that was something that never changed as I grew older. The passion just became stronger. I have always loved all of my science classes, so I knew when I got to college, I would pursue a science-based major, and I decided to pursue biology, with a dash of chemistry.

Suggested Citation:

Ward, Kiara. (2021, Dec). Weeping Cherry. Rowan University Arboretum.

Questions to Explore

    • Why are weeping higan cherries trees commonly grafted, and is this the only way to produce the weeping phenotype?
    • How do humans use the bark of the weeping cherry tree?
    • Why are birds one of the only animals to eat the fruits of the weeping higan cherry tree?
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