Weeping Higan Cherry
Researched by Kiara Ward
Species: Prunus x subhirtella
Common name: Weeping Cherry Tree, Higan Cherry Tree, Weeping Japanese Cherry
Family: Rosaceae (Rose Family)
Clade: Angiosperms (flowering seed plants)
Coordinates: 39.70898176, -75.12181404
A tag using this number is placed near the tree.
Hello there! Welcome to one of Rowan’s weeping higan cherry trees, located near the townhouse homes. This tree is a part of the plant family called the Rosaceae, which is commonly known as the Rose family. Many ornamental trees, and also fruits that we enjoy eating, also come from this family, and you can find pear, crabapple, and other types of cherry trees on Rowan’s campus! Prunus subhirtella is believed to have originated in China, but it was cultivated in Japan in the early 8th century and has become a common symbol of Japanese culture. Many people enjoy the beautiful weeping branches and use them to add beauty to their gardens. Read More
Campus Species Map
Researcher’s Biography
Kiara Ward
Biological Sciences (2022)
My name is Kiara Ward, I will be graduating with my Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences in the spring of 2022. I also have minors in Chemistry and Psychology. I plan to pursue a career in medicine and my hope is to become a pediatric surgeon in the years to come. I have always wanted to be a doctor from a very young age, and that was something that never changed as I grew older. The passion just became stronger. I have always loved all of my science classes, so I knew when I got to college, I would pursue a science-based major, and I decided to pursue biology, with a dash of chemistry.
Suggested Citation:
Ward, Kiara. (2021, Dec). Weeping Cherry. Rowan University Arboretum. https://arboretum.rowan.edu/trees/weeping-cherry/
Questions to Explore
- Why are weeping higan cherries trees commonly grafted, and is this the only way to produce the weeping phenotype?
- How do humans use the bark of the weeping cherry tree?
- Why are birds one of the only animals to eat the fruits of the weeping higan cherry tree?
Information about Weeping Cherry Tree. (2010, February 01). | Link
Prunus x subhirtella ‘Pendula’. (n.d.). | Link
Prunus pendula ‘Pendula Rosea’. (n.d.). | Link
Ruscitto, C. (2020, September 03). A Comparison of Bradford and Cleveland Pear Trees. | Link
Team, T. O. (2021, August 26). Everything You Need to Know About Pink Weeping Cherry Trees. | Link
Rowan University Resources
*You may need to log into the Rowan University Library site*
Trees and Shrubs | Link
Cherry Trees and Herbs: Plantings from Around the World at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden | Link
Learn about cherry firewood | Link