Mockernut Hickory
Researched by Harley Rosenzweig
Species: Carya tomentosa
Common name: Mockernut hickory, white hickory
Family: Juglandaceae (Walnut Family)
Clade: Angiosperms (flowering seed plants)
Coordinates: 39.7081122, -75.11840268
A tag using this number is placed near the tree.
Hi! You have been walking along the path across from Chamberlain Student Center and have come across one of the mockernut hickory trees that Rowan has growing on campus. This is a native tree species that can be found in Eastern and Central America. It is often planted in parks or planted as shade in open areas. Here, this tree provides shade for the walking path through campus!
Looking at the tree, you can see its intricate looking bark. It is gray with many deep wrinkles. This wood that lays underneath the bark has many different industrial uses , including lumber, charcoal and wood fuel. You can also note how tall this tree is. The average mockernut hickory ranges between 50 and 60 feet, but they can reach heights up to 100 feet! The largest mockernut hickory ever recorded was nearly 105 feet and found in Germany. Read More
Campus Species Map
Researcher’s Biography
Harley Rosenzweig
Biological Sciences (2023)
I am studying at Rowan University to graduate in Spring 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences and minors in Psychology and Chemistry. I have always been interested in the sciences and have loved to learn why things happen, rather than just accepting that they do happen. As a student in the College of Science and Mathematics, I am able to do just that.
On campus, I involve myself in many different activities in order to acquaint myself on campus. I am involved in the American Medical Women’s Association, Order of Omega Honor Society, complete research in Dr. Quarel’s lab on campus, and am a member of the Sigma Delta Tau sorority on campus, just to name a few.
After graduation, I plan to attend a school in the health profession field. I am not certain which path I plan to pursue yet, however I know that I want to be in healthcare helping people who cannot help themselves.
Suggested Citation:
Rosenzweig, Harley. (2022, Dec). Mockernut Hickory. Rowan University Arboretum.
Questions to Explore
- Where did Mockernut Hickory originate?
- How do the leaves of the Mockernut Hickory compare to the leaves of other hickory trees?
- Are there any medicinal properties to the bark of the Mockernut Hickory?
- What are the health benefits of Hickory nuts?
- If the Mockernut Hickory is native to the Eastern side of the United States, why are the oldest and largest Mockernut Hickory located in Europe?
Carya tomentosa. Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower center. | Link
Herath, C. e. a. (2021). Tree Steward Manual [Abstract]. | Link
Jenkins, P.Mockernut Hickory. | Link
LC Biology Class 1.Transport of Materials in a Flowering Plant. Leaving Certificate Biology. | Link
McNab, W. Henry, Operan M. Theodore III. (2021). Composition and Structure of Reproduction in Group Selection Openings after 20 Years in a Southern Appalachian Mixed-Hardwood Forest. Link
Mockernut Hickory. (a). | Link
Mockernut Hickory. (b). | Link
NC State.Carya tomentosa. | Link
Smith, H. C.Mockernut Hickory. | Link
Rowan University Resources
You may need to log into the Rowan University Library website.
Confronting the Issue of Invasive Native Tree Species Due to Land Use Change in the Eastern United States | Link
Relationship Amoung Vessel Diameter, Vessel Frequency, and Spacing of Parenchyma Bands in Wood of Carya tomentosa | Link
Age structure of Carya tomentosa (Poir.) Nutt. in young oak forest [Georgia] | Link