Campus Species Map

Researcher’s Biography

Emily Setaro

Biological Sciences (2023) and Eduation (2024)

My name is Emily Setaro, born and raised in New Jersey, and I am in a 4+1 Biological Sciences Education Major at Rowan University. I will receive my Bachelors of Science degree in Biological Sciences in 2023, and then a Masters Degree in Education in 2024. I plan to become a future educator, and teach high school Biology. I am enamored by the biology of our world and everything in it, and I hope to pass on my joy of learning and knowledge to others. I eventually strive to go back to school and earn a Ph.D., and then teach college-level Biology courses. I cannot wait to show everyone how fun and exciting Biology can be!

Suggested Citation:

Setaro, Emily. (2022, Dec). Loblolly Pine. Rowan University Arboretum.

Questions to Explore

  • What is the “Lost Pines” Forest of Loblolly Pines in Texas, and how could they have gotten there? 
  • What is the Loblolly Pine Genome Project? 
  • How complex is the loblolly pine genome?
  • What limits loblolly pine growth?
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