Home 9 Trees 9 Crabapple Tree

Campus Species Map

Student Researcher

A photo of Lornelle Mendoza, student in the Plan Diversity course working with the Rowan University Arboretum Project.Lornelle Mendoza

Lornelle Mendoza earned a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences in 2022. 

Suggested Citation:

Mendoza, Lornelle. (2021, Dec). Crabapple. Rowan University Arboretum. Glassboro, NJ. https://arboretum.rowan.edu/trees/crabapple/

Questions to Explore

  • Why are Crabapple trees able to tolerate drought?
  • Can the fruit of the Crabapple be used to help with health conditions?
  • What is “Fire Blight,” and how does this disease affect trees in the Rosaceae family?
  • How were Crabapples important to Native Americans, and early settlers?
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