Learn About Trees
This page contains resources to learn about trees, including access to curated books, articles, and frequently asked questions. In addition, you can find information on walking tours and workshops related to Rowan University’s Arboretum.
FAQs About Trees
This resource to learn about trees includes our list of FAQs (frequently asked questions). You will find topics such as: how do cells of plants work, how plants absorb water, common pests of trees, and many more.
Resources About Trees
A list of resources to learn about trees that include books, articles, and related organizations. You will find resources to help identify trees, medicinal uses of trees, how trees were used by Native Americans and early American settlers, and more. There is also a list of non-profit organizations that help the environment and plant trees.
Rowan University Libraries Resouces
A list of resources to help students and researchers learn about trees. You will need a Rowan Login to access the full resource.